Friday, September 25, 2009

Not so fun adventures.

Our internship paperwork is due today at the LA center by 5:00. Yesterday I figured if I had some luck, I'd be able to get to the center after interning before it closed. Then the GPS decided to be a brat (9 miles on the 405? Really?), so I rerouted it a few times before giving up hope. I ended up driving through downtown LA, which is creepy as hell at night because there is no one (literally, I saw 2 people) on the streets, through Beverly Hills, finally passing Rodeo Drive, and found myself on Santa Monica Boulevard, which was really interesting at night.

And then my car decided to screw me over and started making an incredibly loud noise whenever I hit the gas. So I got distracted and took a couple of wrong turns and ended up on a creepy, windy road that went up a mountain. Maybe it was a hill, but it was huge. I was convinced I was going to break down and get killed and have a bad Megan Fox horror movie made about me (yes, that exact thought entered my brain...that's what happens when you study/work in the entertainment industry), and I saw a beautiful view of the city as I turned a corner. That made me feel better for half a second and then I got freaked out again. I finally made it back to a regular sized road, with my car still making the horrible noise, and then Hollywood Blvd was closed for some event so I had to reroute for the fourth time. I finally made it back to Oakwoods without breaking down, but my stomach was still in knots.

The car is still making the noise, so I'm going to Jiffy Lube as soon as I leave here.

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