Thursday, October 22, 2009

"When I get married, I'm walking down the aisle to 'The Circle of Life.'"-Joce

I was driving down La Brea this morning and a traffic light turned red as I approached it. Then it immediately turned green. Confusing, but I'm not complaining.

Sony continues to be interesting. We had the studio session for The C Word (the Laura Linney show that'll be on Showtime...I love Showtime) yesterday, so yesterday morning was spent running around and doing a lot of stapling. I had no idea that stapling could make your arms hurt. But I felt like I'd just lifted weights after putting together packets of pics/resumes, sides, and character notes. The session went well; Laura, the director, the writer, another producer, casting people, and the SPT presidents were all there. I realized the SPT presidents are always referred to as one unit so I have no idea which one is which.

Weekends are awesome. Since I don't have too much time to do fun things during the week (except for Glee Wednesdays and the occasional movie watching night), I try to jam pack the weekends as much as possible. Friday nights are usually spent at a bar/club (Happy Ending, The Abbey, etc) with Emerson friends, and Saturdays are usually spent at USC with Joce and her friends. Joce and I went to Venice beach this past Saturday and it was great. We went in the water and battled the waves...the waves won. I was exhausted afterwards and my legs were killing me, but hey, it was snowing in Boston, so I considered myself lucky. Joce's friend was having a house party that night, so we went there, and Joce decided to stay over while Channing came back to my apartment with me and we watched Aladdin. Sunday morning was spent driving around finding food, then Joce and I wandered around Hollywood before seeing Brand New at the Palladium.

The Sunday before that, Joce and I got brunch at Lulu's Cafe and I got excited because all the Jews were walking around in their Jew wear. I think I blocked out the rest of the day because all I remember is my french toast and watching the Jews.

The Entertainment AIDS Alliance is having a giant DVD sale, so I ordered four seasons of TV shows on DVD (the last 2 seasons of The L Word, the second season of Californication, and the second season of The Tudors) and a couple of movies. I love Los Angeles. But now I need to get the first season of Californication and The Tudors. Hello, I love Showtime shows. I want to watch all of them. And own them all on DVD. After those ones ship, I'll have 85 seasons of TV on DVD, and after I get the first seasons of Californication and Tudors, I'll be up to 87. My goal of 100 by the end of the year might be doable.

Yes, I know I'm crazy.

There was ice cream cake in the freezer. This might be better than free meat week.

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