Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm on a plane!

On the plane, online and watching Friends because obviously I brought all my Friends DVDs with me. My carry-on contains all 10 seasons of Friends, my GPS, seasons 5 and 6 of The L Word, and my stuffed lobster. And a dress, in case my baggage gets lost and I need...a dress. 

HOLY CRAP THE REMOTES COME OUT OF THE ARMREST. I love Virgin America. Free Wifi til January, a plug for my computer (my battery dies in 10 minutes) all I need is food. I'm considering buying the fruit and cheese plate because I'm stahhhvin. I can't wait til Dunkin Donuts. I'm too hungry. 

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ha, Sony.

(Dawn's wearing one of those poofy vests, like the ones that Old Navy sells.) "So it's rainy and cold out, just like back east, and when it gets like this we all get out our winter clothes and vests. My boss looked at me this morning and said 'so when is the bus picking you up for summer camp?'"


I think this office is secretly Hogwarts.
1) People are really good at disappearing. Stan and Dawn both have a tendency to just leave and I can never find them.
2) There was a basket of desserts in the kitchen yesterday. I went in to get my coffee this morning and the basket was still there (I had a muffin and then a fudge brownie thing). I went in a few minutes ago to get Dawn some tea and there were TWO baskets. My cubicle is in front of the hallway that leads to the kitchen; I see who goes in and out. I did not see anyone with another dessert basket go in. Explanation? House elves.

Monday, December 7, 2009

"It's happening!"

San Francisco was amazing. We were there for a total of 38 hours (plus 16 hours of driving time) and so many good moments managed to happen in a day and a half. Good moments plus a few scandals. The city is gorgeous and reminds me of East Coast and European cities, except with more hills. Jocelyn and I managed to walk around in heels all day Saturday, and the four of us took a lot of cute photos. Saturday night was crazy, one of those nights that we're all going to remember for a while because so much happened, and the car rides were hysterical as well.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oy, I'm so behind

Oh goodness. Time for an update. Everything's going to be jumbled.

~I dropped my car off at the auto body shop on Wednesday, November 18th, and picked it up on Friday, November 27th. It looks fantastic; the people at the shop did a great job. They washed it, too, so it was clean and gorgeous for a day. And then the California dust settled in and now it's back to being kinda dirty. (Seriously, the dust is ridiculous...since there's no rain to wash it away, there are people that brush/blow the dust around.)

~I had to go to the health clinic on the 22nd because I woke up with a fever. 103.3 degrees. Awesome! The doctor gave me strep and flu medication...I finished the flu stuff and have 2 more strep pills. Feeling better, thank goodness.

~Spent Thanksgiving with Erica/the Amys/Brock/Anh. Amy made a ton of delicious food...we got a free turkey from the LA center and had a nice big traditional dinner. And we watched the dog show, part of Hercules, and the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials. There was one about the Pilgrim voyage to Plymouth. Yeahhh, Plymouth! So proud that I'm from the town that invented the holiday of food, haha.

~Since I was still got tired really easily last weekend, I opted out of going to Vegas. Erica and I took a trip to the Glendale Galleria on Black Friday and I ended up buying 2 movies and 8 seasons of TV on DVD, bumping my grand TV total to 97 seasons. I think I need TV rehab. Anyway, the Galleria is all decorated for Christmas...very festive, but it's weird seeing Christmas trees standing next to palm trees. Apparently there's fake snow (soap snow) at night...just like at Harrod's in London. :)

~I went for a hike near the Griffith Observatory on Saturday...spent almost 2 hours hiking up a mountain and an hour hiking down. That area is gorgeous. Erica and I went there a couple of weeks ago around's a lot creepier at night. We forgot that it wasn't some kind of fenced in protected area. It's part of the moutains/hills. We heard coyotes howling when we were there, then heard something rustling in the brush and we got freaked out and ran part way down. And then we saw a coyote as we were driving out. Luckily, I didn't encounter any animals on Saturday. Except for some cute dogs that were walking with their owners. The view from where I was was gorgeous...I could see the entire city of Los Angeles. I ended up exhausting myself and spent the rest of the day in bed watching 30 Rock.

~Since we're all starting to go broke, we haven't been going out as much...went to the Cat and Fiddle the Friday before I had to go to the doctors, and it was fun and relaxing. There are white Christmas lights outside, and they put out heat lamps so everyone can enjoy being outside at night.

~I love how big #jackiessecret is on Twitter...I wonder how many Tweets we need to become a trending topic. That's been my entertainment for this morning.

Food time! I'll try to remember more later.

Friday, October 30, 2009

"Hello, Matt. Hello, children of the corn."

People say the weirdest things in this office.

"Are you the Joker today?"
"Yes. Or a child molester, according to Lauren."

"What are you looking for?"
"Your nuts."

The actor who plays Ken Tanaka on Glee is coming in today. Tobin Bell, who plays Jigsaw in the Saw movies, was in here last week. He's from Weymouth! Oh, Massachusetts. You produce some interesting people. Cedric the Entertainer met with some executives yesterday, and he passed by my cubicle, tapped on the glass, and said something, but I have no idea what it was. Also, we got cupcakes yesterday because it was 2 people's birthdays. I love free food.

Since Glee wasn't on on Wednesday, we watched The Little Mermaid and sang along and provided commentary, one of my favorite comments being "you know who would be a great grandparent duo? Ursela and John McCain."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fireplaces and scarves.

I'm pretty sure I saw both a drag queen and a prostitute on my way home last week.

Amy R, Liz and I went out to find costumes/accessories last night. The wind was ridiculous and when I left Sony, I had hopes for a storm, but no such luck. It felt like a September day in Boston--a little chilly but not freezing. We're all starting to miss being in the Northeast. Summery days are great, but so are scarves and hot cocoa and fallen leaves.

I'm almost out of tequila.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

"When I get married, I'm walking down the aisle to 'The Circle of Life.'"-Joce

I was driving down La Brea this morning and a traffic light turned red as I approached it. Then it immediately turned green. Confusing, but I'm not complaining.

Sony continues to be interesting. We had the studio session for The C Word (the Laura Linney show that'll be on Showtime...I love Showtime) yesterday, so yesterday morning was spent running around and doing a lot of stapling. I had no idea that stapling could make your arms hurt. But I felt like I'd just lifted weights after putting together packets of pics/resumes, sides, and character notes. The session went well; Laura, the director, the writer, another producer, casting people, and the SPT presidents were all there. I realized the SPT presidents are always referred to as one unit so I have no idea which one is which.

Weekends are awesome. Since I don't have too much time to do fun things during the week (except for Glee Wednesdays and the occasional movie watching night), I try to jam pack the weekends as much as possible. Friday nights are usually spent at a bar/club (Happy Ending, The Abbey, etc) with Emerson friends, and Saturdays are usually spent at USC with Joce and her friends. Joce and I went to Venice beach this past Saturday and it was great. We went in the water and battled the waves...the waves won. I was exhausted afterwards and my legs were killing me, but hey, it was snowing in Boston, so I considered myself lucky. Joce's friend was having a house party that night, so we went there, and Joce decided to stay over while Channing came back to my apartment with me and we watched Aladdin. Sunday morning was spent driving around finding food, then Joce and I wandered around Hollywood before seeing Brand New at the Palladium.

The Sunday before that, Joce and I got brunch at Lulu's Cafe and I got excited because all the Jews were walking around in their Jew wear. I think I blocked out the rest of the day because all I remember is my french toast and watching the Jews.

The Entertainment AIDS Alliance is having a giant DVD sale, so I ordered four seasons of TV shows on DVD (the last 2 seasons of The L Word, the second season of Californication, and the second season of The Tudors) and a couple of movies. I love Los Angeles. But now I need to get the first season of Californication and The Tudors. Hello, I love Showtime shows. I want to watch all of them. And own them all on DVD. After those ones ship, I'll have 85 seasons of TV on DVD, and after I get the first seasons of Californication and Tudors, I'll be up to 87. My goal of 100 by the end of the year might be doable.

Yes, I know I'm crazy.

There was ice cream cake in the freezer. This might be better than free meat week.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Forgot to mention that Jocelyn somehow ended up with a vampire bite on her hand.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I can show you the world

1. Los Angeles doesn't know how to function in rain. People suck at driving, two stoplights were out on Venice when I was driving to Sony this morning, and the parking garage was soaked.

2. I'm forever going to judge KFC because for a week and a half, I drove past one whose sign said "12 PIEACE CHICKEN." So apparently someone didn't know whether to use "piece" or "peace" and just made a word with both. And then no one caught it for a week and a half.

3. The Kit Kats in the Sony kitchen are going to kill me. I eat one every day. And they're giant.

4. I went to a table read for Community on Monday. The episode was hysterical and I got to meet Joel McHale (the guy that hosts The Soup). I also went to a table read for Til Death last week and met Joely Fisher.

5. Matthew Perry walked by my cubicle last week. Channing told me I should have said "Could I BE wearing any more clothes?" (Friends quote) but I don't think I'd ever be able to do that.

6. We had a casting session for the Showtime show we're doing with Laura Linney so I also got to meet her. She's so classy. Every time I brought an actor into the room she'd stand up, thank them for coming, introduce herself, and apologize for the wait. A) Barely any one stands up for lesser known actors. B) She's Laura freaking Linney. No introduction necessary.

7. This past Friday, I went with some of my Emerson friends to the Happy Ending Bar, which is supposedly East Coast themed. There was a lot of NY stuff everywhere, so it was more New Yorky than East Coasty, but we still had a good time. Lots of dancing. Saturday, Joce and I saw Zombieland and then went on a club crawl to Beauty Bar, Social, Kress, and The Highlands. More drinking and dancing.

8. On the aforementioned club crawl, we saw Jesus in a parkinglot.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Well well you, you make my dreams come true.

Kerri: Sharon sent me an email and it says "drama lunch banana." (pause) Does that mean she wants a banana for lunch?
Marcus: She might mean maƱana. Is she typing on her Blackberry? Because yesterday she meant to send me "yay!" but instead sent "gay!"


On my way home last night, I saw the Zombieland (the film) zombie walk. I got caught at a redlight at Hollywood and Highland and saw a bunch of zombies cross in front of me. Hahahaha. And then I went through like 6 green lights. The zombies gave me traffic luck!


Fire alarm went off again yesterday. We didn't evacuate this time.


We Punk'd an agent the other day. This place is great.


I think Glee is going to be the only show I'll pay full price for when it comes out on DVD.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The fire alarm went off yesterday towards the end of lunch. Turns out that someone on the second floor was using a fog machine and the fog set off the alarm.

This is an office building. Why was someone using a fog machine on an office building? No idea.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It won't cost much. Just your voice.

Weekend recap:

Friday: Went to Jiffy Lube to find out what was wrong with my car. They told me what it was, but couldn't fix it, so I went back to Oakwood, packed, and then went to USC. Joce and I went to the 2-9 Cafe for food and drinks (raspberry cider! Delicious), Channing met up with us, and the three of us went to see Jennifer's Body.

Saturday: Game day! Walked around USC, bought a USC shirt to fit in, Joce's friend Gabriela made me a drink, Joce and I went to Wendy's and then went back to her place and watched Fido, which is about domesticating zombies and using them as servents. Hung out, participated in power hour and some other things, Joce went to the game so I hung out with one of her roommates and some of their friends. Dance party after, went to sleep too late, but oh well.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

JFer's Body

Jocelyn, Channing and I saw Jennifer's Body last night, after Channing had a pint of pear cider (alcoholic cider, not like apple cider) and Joce and I had each had 2 pints of the raspberry. The movie was hysterical. Joce and I both liked it; Channing, not so much. It was campy and not that scary, and the dialogue was funnily bad. I heard someone behind us make a comment about how it was "amateur screenwriting," but really? You took it at face value? It's not supposed to be an actual scary movie.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Not so fun adventures.

Our internship paperwork is due today at the LA center by 5:00. Yesterday I figured if I had some luck, I'd be able to get to the center after interning before it closed. Then the GPS decided to be a brat (9 miles on the 405? Really?), so I rerouted it a few times before giving up hope. I ended up driving through downtown LA, which is creepy as hell at night because there is no one (literally, I saw 2 people) on the streets, through Beverly Hills, finally passing Rodeo Drive, and found myself on Santa Monica Boulevard, which was really interesting at night.

And then my car decided to screw me over and started making an incredibly loud noise whenever I hit the gas. So I got distracted and took a couple of wrong turns and ended up on a creepy, windy road that went up a mountain. Maybe it was a hill, but it was huge. I was convinced I was going to break down and get killed and have a bad Megan Fox horror movie made about me (yes, that exact thought entered my brain...that's what happens when you study/work in the entertainment industry), and I saw a beautiful view of the city as I turned a corner. That made me feel better for half a second and then I got freaked out again. I finally made it back to a regular sized road, with my car still making the horrible noise, and then Hollywood Blvd was closed for some event so I had to reroute for the fourth time. I finally made it back to Oakwoods without breaking down, but my stomach was still in knots.

The car is still making the noise, so I'm going to Jiffy Lube as soon as I leave here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


My boss lent me her DVD of the original Fame because she was in it. I just found her. She was the girl by the stairs 20 minutes into the movie, who told the guy who got through to go upstairs and the girl who didn't make it to leave.

She looks so young.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I'm gonna live forever

One of my friends works for a company that does promotional work, and was able to get me passes to see the premiere of Fame. I left Sony early to head to The Grove, found a parking spot, stood in line for a little while (saw Megan Mullally...she was in the film, but most of you will know her as Karen on Will and Grace) , got my tickets, and then found Jocelyn's roommate Jess, who interns for People magazine and was with the press. We went into the theatre and got free popcorn and drinks (free food and a free movie...fantastic), and the seats were wicked comfortable. The movie started a little late, but it was worth it. The cinematography was great and I really liked how it looked; there were some good camera shots and sequences. And the dancing was fantastic. Some of the kids in the movie are extremely talented.

We walked out and were given free Fame pins, and leaving was a madhouse. The cast members were there, so people were crowding around them, taking pictures. I got a photo with Kherington Pyne, who was one of the leads in the film and an incredible dancer.

Right after that, we saw Ashley Tisdale and now my life in LA is complete. She was tiny as hell and looked a little stressed, which I don't blame her for because the paparazzi sucked. I felt so bad for her because they pounced as soon as she walked out and wouldn't leave her alone. I couldn't have gotten a picture with her even if I'd tried because her bodyguard was trying to get her out of there, but I didn't even want to make an effort because she looked so harried.

Meeting actors at Sony has been pretty fun. For the rest of this week and next week I'm going to try to ask a lot of questions so I feel like I'm learning something. Last night I went to a taping of the show Rules of Engagement and got to sit to the side of the set with some of the crew members and guest actors, which was pretty cool. I'm going to see if I can go to a taping of one of our other shows because one of the actresses came in last week and she was super friendly and I want to see her in action.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Birthday cake b-----!"

A few of us went out on Friday and on our cab ride home, the driver told us that the last person to take that cab was Jessica Alba.

Pretty cool.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Arrived Sunday, September 6, and stayed at Jocelyn's apartment at USC until Tuesday afternoon. USC is beautiful and a lot different from Emerson, so that was interesting. My car battery died, so one of Joce's roommates helped me jump start it and I made to to the Oakwood Apartments, where we're staying for the semester. Technically, this is still Los Angeles, but we're two seconds away from Burbank. The WB studios are right down the street. The apartments are great, nice and big with air conditioning (obviously), two pools, tennis courts, a beach volleyball court, and technically this is a gated community. So I feel like a spoiled brat, which is nice.

CVS sells alcohol.

The light switches at Oakwood are all waist high, and most of the outlits are an inch off the floor and flipped horizontal. My bed folds out of the wall and there's a mirror on the non-bed side.

The traffic is only bad in the sense that there are red lights every two blocks. They're not synced very well, and you can't block intersections, so it's possible to sit through a red light, a green light, and another red light before being able to move. Annoying. Sony is 12 miles away and it takes over an hour to get there.

Hollywood is interesting, would never live there. Santa Monica is gorgeous. Pasadena is beautiful. Love Burbank.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sign up here and have a seat.

I've been watching a lot of SPT shows, reading some scripts, printing and sorting headshots and resumes for generals, and sitting in on generals. Tomorrow is going to be more exciting, though, because actors are coming in for screen tests (I think for guest roles), and some of them are recognizable. I get to sit in on some of the taping and also will be running back and forth between the shooting room and the waiting room, which I'm totally fine with. That was part of my job for Emerson's Next Top Model in March(?)--making sure the girls were relatively content, bringing them to and from the shoots and hair/makeup/dressing room--and I like dealing with talent.

BBC America Reveals

BBC America has a program called "BBC America Reveals," similar to "True Life" on MTV. Titles for upcoming episodes have been released and some of them are too good to be true. I'm copy/pasting directly from the website because I won't be able to type these without laughing.

BBC America Reveals - Coming Soon
18 Pregnant Schoolgirls
Sunday, July 5th at 10/9c
Addicted to Surrogacy
Sunday, July 12th at 10/9c

Other BBC America Reveals
Britain's Worst Teeth
Transvestite Wives
Too Ugly to Love
My Secret Female Body
476-lb Teenager
Love Me, Love My Doll
Should I Really Give Up Flying?
My Fake Baby
Britain's Youngest Grannies
Should I Smoke Dope?
Too Fat To Toddle
100 Men Own My Breasts
John Barrowman: The Making Of Me
Perfect Private Parts
I'm A Boy Anorexic
The Human Spider
My Big Breasts and Me
My Small Breasts and I
Super Skinny Me
The Fastest Man On No Legs
Cocaine Diaries: Alex James in Columbia
Sex Change Soldier
Virgin Memories
Sugar Mummies
Brothels: The Ins and Outs
Super Botox Me
Married to the Eiffel Tower
My Car Is My Lover

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Don't stop believin.

Last night on my way home, I passed a bench outside a gas station and at first, thought it had an advertisement on it. Nope. It said THIS BENCH IS FOR HUMANS ONLY. REPORT ANY NONHUMANS. And then there was a picture of an alien.

Haha. Thank you, Los Angeles.

Glee is on tonight, very excited about it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Bing bong."

I started an entry with the typical "I've been here for a week and here are my thoughts because I'm so much more original than the rest of the world blah blah blah Emerson pretention/East Coast condescending...ness" but then deleted it because today was the first day of real LA life and slightly more interesting than the rest of my time here.

I started my internship at Sony Pictures Television, working in the Talent/Casting department. I was a little late because of the seven hundred million red lights I encountered and also because I had to make four or so U-turns. The woman I'm interning for was fine with it, especially because the morning had started off slowly. I have my own cubicle and phone, which I couldn't use because it was connected to someone else's line. SPT has only been in the current building for about a week, and everything (and everyone) is still being situated. So I couldn't answer my phone, but I got to make copies of sides for auditions, read a couple of pilot scripts, watch a few pilot episodes, and sit in on a general. One of the women in my department reminds me of Rachel's boss at Ralph Lauren on Friends---the one who thinks Rachel slept with Ralph Lauren. Very New York, kind of sassy, doesn't shake hands. Her assistant is in the cubicle next to me and one of his bottom drawers is filled with candy.

I left early today to make it back to Burbank in time for class and had to make another million U-turns, and instead of the usual "turn right bong" noises the GPS makes, it decided to just yell at me to make a U-turn. No warning or indication that I was going the wrong way, just "make a U-turn. Make a U-turn." Stupid bitch. I managed to get to class early and apparently just missed having to deal with an angry parking attendant (Amy and Erica had an encounter with him and they arrived maybe 10 minutes after I did, at most). The professor is wonderful; knows the industry, has an interesting life story and career path, loves teaching, and is serious about the class but is also relaxed and nice at the same time. She's already my second favorite Emerson teacher.

We had a break halfway through (the class runs from 7 to 10:30 pm) and Erica, Amy, Katie G and I ran to Starbucks because I needed food and three of us needed coffee. Sidenote: the no jaywalking rule sucks. Just plain sucks. I'm used to sprinting across the street but can't because I don't want to be fined. We booked it back to the Emerson building and all the doors were locked. We went around the entire building and not one of them was open. And all of us left our syllabi in the classroom and couldn't call the professor to help us. So we started calling all of the other students in the class, but obviously no one picked up because their phones were off because class had started again. Katie thought she had Devon's cell phone number but really had her house number and accidentally called Devon's mom. We contemplated throwing something at the window to try to get someone's attention but then decided against it. Our reaction for the first ten minutes was "ha, this is our first project, trying to network our way back into the building." Five minutes later, we were tempted to break in. Fifteen or so minutes after that, and after calling/texting everyone in the class and some people who weren't in the class, someone (thank Jesus) picked up his phone and let us inside. We got a recap of what we'd missed and class continued, but damn.
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